Thursday, May 31, 2007

New Hair Color

Last evening my brother dyed my hair. After I washed it yesterday almost all of the purple was gone and it was this really ugly color. Now it is a dark brown (close to my natural color). I will probably keep it like this for a while and let it recover because it's getting kind of tired of being dyed so much.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Hair Color

My purple hair partially washed out when I washed it on Wednesday. It was supposed to be permanent and now part of it looks gray, part is brown, and part is still purple. I guess it washed out because it's a natural hair coloring thing. It didn't have all the chemicals most hair dyes do, so I guess it also didn't stay near as long as normal hair dyes. I saw this color in a health food store and loved it so I got it. Wal-Mart and Target didn't have any unnatural colors. Next time I decide to dye my hair an unnatural color, I'll need to look around some more and find one that will stay longer than washing it twice. I'm probably going to redye it very soon even though it has just been one week. I'm not sure what color I'll dye it - either purple or dark brown. Unfortunately, pretty soon I'll need to give my hair a little break, so I'll probably go with dark brown since it's close to my natural color.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Last Day of School

Yesterday was my last day of school and everybody loved my hair. It's still sinking in that I don't have school anymore (well, at least not until next August). Last night I stayed up till 1:30. I love to stay up late, always have and always will.

Monday, May 21, 2007

New Hair!!!

Today after school I dyed my hair purple! I like it so far. Since tomorrow's the last day of school for me (and unnatural colors aren't allowed) I decided I would dye it purple. Like I will actually get in trouble on the last day? Yeah right.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

What Kind of a Girl are You?

You are a New Age Girl!

You're bright, opinionated, and dedicated to changing the world.
Even if it's one hybrid car at a time, you do you part to make things better.
In fact, you may be so busy with your causes that you have little time for love.
Take an extra yoga class or two, and you just might meet New Age Guy!

Hobbies & Interests

Cello is basically what I'm interested in. I love music, especially classical. Shostakovich's Cello Concerto, Kodaly's (pronounced Ko die) Sonata for cello, Brahms Cello and Piano Concerto, and Faure's Elegie are some of my favorites. Even though I can't play all of them yet, I love to listen to them. I also like Philip Glass who is a contemporary composer.

I bake a lot. It's lots of fun for me (especially the eating part). Things don't always turn out great, but they do most of the time. I love to try new recipes. Even though I mainly make desserts, I also make regular food too. Sometimes I even make breakfast foods.

I also love to dye my hair different colors. My natural color is brown. I've had it black, bright red, brownish reddish, blondish reddish and now I just dyed it blond. For the last day of school I'm dyeing it purple. It's going to look really cool.

About Me

I'm 14 years old and am a vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian for lots of reasons. I feel it's what is best for my body right now. The animals benefit too. The way the animals are treated makes me cringe. Go to to find out more. I believe animals should be treated well. They can feel and have emotion just as humans do. Just because they can't talk doesn't mean they are dumb.

I also care about the environment too (no big surprise here). The earth is being destroyed by humans right now as I'm typing. The world we are leaving to our children and grandchildren is not going to be fun for them to fix. One book that I have recently finished reading about this very subject is
Ishmael by Daniel Quinn. It's really good and thought-provoking. I highly recommend it.

Also, I don't really believe in doctor's or medicine. I think you can find natural cures to almost everything. I've seen over 12 doctors for the same problem and none of them knew how to fix it. When I turned toward alternative medicine however, the first person who I went to fixed it.

Well, I think that's basically it.

Oh yeah, I have two older brothers, and five cats. We have rescued three cats from being abandoned on the streets or taken to the Animal Shelter (where they kill them after three days