Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Clean House Green House?

I have been busy cleaning (well, mainly vacuuming and doing endless loads of laundry). I'm so excited that mama is finally taking responsibility for her stuff (of course with help, but still it's a big step in the right direction) and that the living room is almost completely clean and the garage is so much better. We got a brand new clock for the living room (it's so much better than the alarm clock from David's room) on Sunday. We also got new fan pull things for my room (I think they'll go really nicely with my new curtain rods and finials). And also two new phones (one with an answering machine for the kitchen the other for mama's room). I'm glad I got the vacuum sweeper working after running over the edge of the burgundy rug in the living room (I just needed to change the belt). I really feel like I can live in a beautiful and clean house. That would be amazinG!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Snakes Alive!

I had a really interesting free will exercise at school today. During my Honors English class we just came back from lunch and I saw there was an empty looking aquarium tank at the front of the room. Of course, when I got closer I saw that it actually had two snakes in it! I started freaking out because I was afraid of snakes. (They were in there because we were reading a really descriptive story about snakes) Anyway, so when we started reading the story Ms. Crowe started to pass around the two snakes. I, of course, didn't hold them, but almost everyone else did. Once I saw how the snakes interacted and that the students were still living I decided to try. So first I just touched the snake and then eventually I picked him up. It was surprisingly not slimy or disgusting or gross at all. I was really proud of myself when I was completely done. It wasn't near as bad as what I expected.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Months Later...

ok so I was reading through my blog and I thought it was pretty interesting to see what I have thought and done in the past so I think I'm going to continue to write stuff (when I have time). Yeah, it's been a long time since I wrote last. I now have my first boyfriend although I'm not sure how much longer though. I have painted my room a really really pretty bluish silverish color. and I got rid of like 3/4 of my stuff. My room is much nicer but I'm still not completely happy with how it feels yet. I'm not sure what else to write about. I have successfully survived the first semester of high school! Yay! Now I absolutely can't wait for school to end and to go to Italy and Germany (but I'm mainly looking forward to Italy) It will be interesting to see what German I and II do for me in Germany though. Oh and how could I forget my new car!! My mom and I went car shopping last Wednesday and then bought a brand new 2008 Honda Civic Hybrid in a dark blueish metallicish color called magnetic pearl. I absolutely love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I just need to convince her to get rid of the van and camaro and things will be pretty good in that area. :)
I can't believe how much I have changed just in a few months. Reading over what I wrote it doesn't hardly sound like me.